Sunday, August 31, 2008

Just Protein

OK, I knew it would happen at some point, I just wasn't quite ready for it before church this morning ... after all, statistically 84% of all little kids eat about 9 bugs in their lifetime ... of course 47.3% of all statistics are made up on the spot :) ... so Isaiah is getting pretty mobile now, military style, and he was down the hall sounding like he was having fun - nothing harmless down there so I continued to write my Thank You note until I heard the definite sound of jaws working. Eeek! I jumped up & the little booger had something dark on his face & in his mouth... fuzz, oh please let it be just fuzz! Some leaf bit was hanging on his upper lip & I did a quick swoop of his mouth ... and now stuck to my finger was some who-knows-what along with a LEG!! UGHH! My heart started racing, beads of sweat began breaking out on my forehead & my knees went weak - thankfully I was already sitting down. By the grace of God, it was not a roach leg - Thank You Jesus! However, it was something that should not be in my son's mouth ... it's unbelievable what can hide on dark brown wood floors. So you can guess what I'll be doing this afternoon ... & it won't just be with a mop - the knee pads are coming out for a serious scrub down!
I know it's just protein but I'd prefer him to have the dairy variety for now!


Poodle said...

Yuck.... I'm glad that was you and not me Heidi. I don't do bugs well at all. Remember - you have to stay at least a half step ahead of the little guy. Daddy Long legs is what you and Jimmy use to get to if I wasn't careful. Makes me feel faint just thinking about it. I love you guys!!!

Shireen said...

Awe! Sad! Yucky!!

You're hilarious, Heidi! I love your attitude!! :) "It's just protein." Okay, so that was good to know that. Eeeeek, indeed!

Enjoyed our little chat last night!

The Beckners said...


I just found your blog through someone else. That is the best story...I think all moms either already have that one or will have that story at some point.

Lauren Beckner

Priss said...
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