Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Whew ...

Ok, so I'm still saying I want twins & that I ultimately want 5 kids but oh my! Some days here lately I've wondered what in the world I'm doing ... is he cutting new teeth, tired, hungry, just plain cranky?? I have GREATLY appreciated all the other new moms letting me know I'm not the only one who feels like a horrible mom when I want a little "time off" from motherhood. This is definitely more challenging than heart surgery!
Isaiah is still the most amazing thing ever - and every night before I go to bed, I look in on him, kiss his fuzzy, pumpkin head and whisper, "Mommy loves Isaiah" ... without fail, as I'm gazing at him my heart all of a sudden feels like it might leap out of my throat or pound from my chest - he is such a miracle & I love him so much it hurts. In those moments, I am reminded Whose he really is and I thank Jesus that ultimately my little boy is in His hands. Daily I pray that Isaiah will know Jesus as Savior & Lord, love our Father with all his heart & serve the Creator with all his strength... and I pray that somehow Drake & I won't mess him up too much!

1 comment:

Shireen said...

LOVE the blog!!

You're doing great, Mommy Heidi!! :)

Quack Quack! :)